Shipping, Returns and Exchanges
How long will it take for my order/s to arrive?
We ship within 2-5 business days. Shipping times vary based on your location, but most orders arrive within 2 - 5 business days.
How long does it take to process a refund?
After confirming your refund request, we aim to process your refund within 48 hours. Please allow 5 - 10 business days for the funds to appear in your account after the refund has been processed.
When do I have to request a return or exchange?
Requests for returns or exchanges must be made within 30 days of the order placement date.
Are there any products that cannot be returned?
Yes, certain products cannot be returned. These include opened or used items, items not in their original packaging, perishable goods, and items purchased more than 30 days ago. For any questions about specific items, please contact or email us.
How long does it take to process a return?
Once we receive your returned item, please allow up to 10 business days for the return to be processed. Upon completion, a refund will be issued to your original payment method.
AutoDelivery Orders
How does AutoDelivery program work?
Our AutoDelivery program allows you to receive regular deliveries of your favorite products. You can select the frequency of your deliveries and save up to 40% on your first order and atleast 10% on your recurring order.
How do I sign up for a AutoDelivery?
To sign up for an AutoDelivery, simply select the product you want to subscribe to and choose the frequency of your deliveries. You can also select the quantity and size of each product you want to receive.
How can I change my shipping or billing information?
To update shipping and billing information for AutoDelivery orders, click the "Manage Subscription" button in your customer account. You can modify your shipping address, billing address, and payment information anytime.
Please make any necessary updates to shipping or billing at least 3 days before the scheduled order placement date to ensure they are applied.
Will I receive a notification before my next recurring order?
Definitely! You'll receive an email 3 days before your recurring order is placed automatically. Please make any necessary adjustments within 24 hours of receiving the notice to ensure they are applied.
AutoDelivery orders are automated and will retry every 48 hours in case of payment errors. After three attempts, the recurring order will be skipped. We are not responsible for bank fees due to failed transactions.
Can I get a discount on my AutoDelivery orders?
Yes, you can save up to 40% on each AutoDelivery order. The discount will be applied automatically at checkout.